Sunday, April 29, 2018

Social Media & Activism: Campus Racism

I am very passionate about race politics and the ever-growing disdain white America has for its minorities. Even before Trump's election, racism through many means, especially police brutality, was on the rise. After Trump's election, things have gotten worse. I even noticed an uptick in racist freshmen this year in college. As a junior, I have never experienced anybody on campus calling a black person a "nigger" until fall semester of my junior year. Sure it's been said to me in my life, but this was my first encounter with overt racism at Ringling. But of course I've experienced plenty of subtle racism at Ringling since I've been here, it's just that people are bolder now. It's gotten so bad a POC group had to be formed, which has only gotten hate since its inception. Here are some links to read up on campus racism and how to combat it: 

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Social Media & Activism: Campus Racism

I am very passionate about race politics and the ever-growing disdain white America has for its minorities. Even before Trump's election...